Anime Impulse 2025 Report

Anime Impulse 2025 Report

Not all conventions are built the same and not all are favorable. Anime Impulse is an event that is definitely built differently from the mainstream format but may appeal to those who want that kind of different.

We were invited to cover Anime Impulse the weekend of February 15-16. The weather was a refreshing level of pleasant to make the trek to Pomona. This was Squeedar’s first experience with this event by the snow capped mountains of Eastern Los Angeles. Initial feelers among the community on what to expect returned back with the same respons: “it will be crowded and stuffy”. They were mostly right.

The “impulse” in Anime Impulse was spot on because it was a pulse of constant confusion. So much was going on and there was no central starting part to begin. After walking through security and flashing ticket QR codes, it was just a free for all of stuff. Attendees were faced with four main halls with small scale designated signs obscured by trees, with each hall surrounded by decorated anime cars (called itasha cars).

There were a lot of itasha shows. So much so, that the cars became the fifth hidden event. Every space around the halls had a circle of anime deco cars. The dense showcase of decorated cars became the marker points for each hall (“Oh Anime Impulse building was by the Tifa car”…”the maid cafe was behind the Aggretsuko car”). Which was so beneficial as there were no other clear signs or directions designating attendees to which hall to go to or for general help. To find the info booth, attendees had to walk inside each hall and search for the small table tucked by the bathrooms

Anime Impulse is one of four main events happening simultaneously during this weekend. It’s part of a convention touring circuit that pairs up with K-PLAY! FEST, Collectors Expo, and Asian American Expo. A ticket for Anime Impulse did grant attendees access to the other events .There were also special stage areas that an additional purchased ticket would be needed.

It’s less of a convention and more of a massive festival caravan that travels across the states. Four events sharing the same space. It was very overwhelming. In between the main halls, there were food stalls with billowing smoke and other peddlers. The doors to the halls were wide open so the stuffiness did not come from that, it was from the smoke wafting in and just constant amount of people walking around. It was a dynamic atmosphere peppered with various stages of loud pulsating music from the various stages.

There are no panel rooms at Anime Impulse. It’s comprised of a giant vendor hall, one artist alley, and stages for ticketed events or performances. There were two maid cafes that offered seated respites with cute treats and entertainment.

Anime Impulse is for the those in the know. The event features brands and communities that may never be large enough or of interest to grace the shelves of Hot Topic. These communities however are incredibly and deeply entrenched in their fandom. This is a convention for those who love the alternate branches of anime culture and celebrate the popular niches of V-tubers, idols, and games.

The Diverse landscape at Anime Pulse


V-tubers are like Youtubers but animated. There were ticketed events and merchandise for V-tubers. There was even a V-tuber that “strolled” around the floor in a wheeled camera contraption alongside a handler. During Anime Impulse, there was even a meet and greet with the V-tubers of FIRST STAGE PRODUCTIONS, an agency that manages a rich roster of V-tubers of fantastical aesthetics.

Maid Cafes

Maid Cafes are dining experiences where treats and entertainment are served by those wearing anime-style maid outfits. It’s a controversial culture that is highly popular among male fans but is welcome to everyone. Maid Cafes will usually have their own brick and mortar location but will often do special pop up events at conventions. The cafes will have a featured menu, sometimes with a special themed combo that comes with a chekki (a specially decorated polaroid picture of you and the maid of your choice). The maid cafes tend to fill up very quickly once they are announced online. Walk-ins are a limited availability during the convention.

Squeedar was fortunate to take advantage of an empty walk-in slot and was able to enjoy the pop up experience with Asayoru Maid Cafe. Asayoru Maid Cafe is a SoCal maid cafe based in Monterey Park and favors the magical girls as maids style. Each maid jas their own color and backstory (information is made available online). There is a special “magical” power that the maids will guide diners through for items such as the color changing drinks. Patrons have the option to pay for for additional entertainment such as playing games with the maids or for specific performances. For this weekend, Asayoru had a special collab with a trio of maids from Akihabara’s At Home Cafe. The excuse to have another place to sit down and eat was made even more special but a the collaborative performance between all of the maids.

Mobile Games

There were many booths highlighting mobile games but there was only one activation booth that made it into a whole relay game. NIKKE is a sci-fi shooter RPG game of cute girls and guns. Beyond the panty shots under flapping small skirts is a story female soldiers who were created to fight the Raptures. For those who enjoy Sucker Punch, this game may be for you.

This would not be an event that would be recommended for those new to anime and adjacent culture. Unless that person has an experience guide to help throughout. Otherwise, for those brave enough to weather the crowd and chaos, this may be a convention for those who want something a bit different and personal.

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