Power Rangers Megazord and DragonZord!
I used to love, love, love watching the original Power Rangers on television. I could not get enough of the "fights" and zord connecting to each other. Plus, Rita. Rita was awesome-sauce.
So prepare for another trip down 90's nostalgia lane as Bluefin (Anaheim, CA) just announced that they will be releasing Power Rangers Megazord and Dragonzord Super Mini-Pla Kits from Bandai’s Shokugan collections!
The kits are fully articulated and fully detailed as the zords from the original Power Rangers show.Pluuuuuus, combining all 5 Zords from the Megazord kits with the Drangonzord kit, fans can create the all-powerful Mega Dragonzord! That's just super awesome ad heck of a lot of parts...
Super Mini-Pla are compact model kits. They are pre-colored, snap assembly and does not require glue. Although a nipper or sprue cutter wouldn't hurt.
- Bandai Shokugan Power Rangers Megazord Super Mini-Pla Set · $60.00
Set consists of 5 core Zords – Tyrannosurus, Mastodon, Triceratops, Saber-Toothed Tiger and Pterodactyl that can be combined to form the Power Ranger Megazord. The kit also comes with a Power Sword accessory. Enjoy the Megazord by itself or with the Dragonzord to create the all-powerful “Mega Dragonzord.”
- Bandai Shokugan Power Rangers Dragonzord Super Mini-Pla Kit· $45.00
Catch the debut of the Dragonzord, the Zord of the Green Power Ranger. Enjoy the Dragonzord by itself, or go into Dragonzord Battle Mode by combining it with the Mastodon, Saber-Toothed Tiger, and Triceratops Zords from the Megazord kits. Collectors also can combine all of the components from the Power Rangers Megazord Super Mini-Pla Set to create the all-powerful “Mega Dragonzord.”
Megazord - Bluefin